from CLEO:

CLEO is pleased to announce 3 new collections of Guided Pathways for people experiencing gender-based violence. Developed in collaboration with Luke’s Place, these free online tools help people fill out the court forms they need to apply for: 

  • a family law emergency motion, including restraining order
  • a peace bond
  • a private prosecution

Guided Pathway for making a family law emergency motion is for people who want to ask the court to make an order right away. It helps people:

  • get a family law order without giving notice to their ex-partner or child’s other parent because their or their children’s health and safety are at risk
  • make a safety plan

Guided Pathway for applying for a peace bond helps people apply for a peace bond because they’re afraid someone may:

  • harm them, a family member, or a pet
  • damage their property
  • share an intimate image or video of them without permission

Guided Pathway for applying for a private prosecution is for people who want to ask the court to lay criminal charges against someone. It helps them:

  • talk to the police
  • learn about private prosecutions
  • apply for a private prosecution

Funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General, CLEO’s Guided Pathways are free online tools that ask users questions and use the answers to fill out legal forms. Users save and print forms with instructions about giving their forms to the court. All personal information users enter is confidential.

There are more Guided Pathways that help with family law, small claims court, housing, immigration, income assistance, and wills and powers of attorney.

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