To engage women, local organizations and the public in education on gender and intersecting issues, we present legal clinics, information sessions and workshops on a variety of topics related to family and criminal law, economic issues, gender-based violence and women’s safety.


We believe that many of our institutional systems view issues like violence against women and poverty as the problems of individuals, rather than social problems. This approach can make violence and oppressions like colonialism, racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism and their intersections invisible, especially to those who work in those systems.  When women are dealing with their own problems, they may not see them in the larger context of oppression, which can inhibit their ability to solve them and cause them to blame themselves.

We bring women and their experiences together in a room (or on a webinar) with local experts in an effort to legitimize their concerns, demystify systemic processes, challenge institutional barriers, and create connections and dialogue across sectors. We also develop a package of relevant resources for women to take with them.


Some of our most recent legal clinics and information sessions include: 

  • Civil Litigation: An Alternative Legal Remedy for Sexual Assault Survivors
  • Three-Part Series: Coercive Control and Criminalization of Women experiencing Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence
  • Newcomer Women, Immigration Status, and Intimate Partner Violence
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  • New & proposed changes to the criminal code (Bill C-75 & Bill C-247) and their impact on women facing gender-based violence 
  • Coercive Control and Parental Alienation
  • How Recent changes to the Definition of Gender-Based Violence (“Family Violence”) Impact Family Law Decisions about Child Support 
  • In Defense of Self Defense
  • WEN-DO (Women’s Self Defence) 
  • ESD-NOW (Empowerment-based Self Defense) Training for Instructors
  • Income Supplements During Covid 

Find out about upcoming events here or subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter here to stay in the loop!

We are also available to speak at schools and other organizations on Anti-violence, Anti-Racism/Oppression and Anti-Poverty.

Questions about our public education sessions? Contact our Education and Communications Coordinator at [email protected].


    Investing in Women’s Futures Program, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.