On this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (and on any day), please take some time to continue learning about Reconciliation by exploring some of the many resources out there.

Local Events on September 30th:

A gentle reminder that reconciliation is about more than wearing an orange shirt; and learning about residential schools is learning about colonialism and patriarchy. Do some reading, listen to Indigenous voices—especially survivors, learn about the Land Back movement, engage in conversations with family and friends, celebrate Indigenous innovation and creativity, and encourage our government to restore Indigenous jurisdiction and authority over those so called Crown lands:

Reports and calls to action:

Articles, essays, videos, podcasts, other resources:

Some Indigenous-led initiatives and organizations to learn about and/or support:

This year, the Women’s Centre is making donations to support the Full Moon Memory Walk (Sept. 29th) and Naadmaagewin’s Mamokawok “Coming Together” Youth Conference (Nov. 1st). For more information on how to attend or support Mamokawok, call Lorena (807) 684-6751 or Cindy (807) 631-5274.

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