The Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre would like to share with you some information on an upcoming sexual violence forum.
The Learning Network is presenting a one day sexual violence forum:
What Really Informs Consent?
In this one-day forum, we discuss the role of marginalization, power imbalances, privilege and accompanying notions of entitlement, and the many ways in which social disparities inform “consent” and patterns of sexual violence. Join us for a day full of dynamic speakers, interaction, and arts-based performance. This session is free and will be live-streamed across Canada on February 28th from 8:30am-4:00pm. If you are interested, there are two ways to take it in:
The Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre will be hosting a full day screening of the Sexual Violence Forum at the Women’s Centre (184 Camelot St.) on February 28th. Everyone is Welcome! Stop by for an hour or join us all day for viewing and discussion. No need to register, just stop by the centre anytime between 8:30am and 4:00pm on February 28th (light snacks and refreshments -provided). For a list of the presenters and presentation descriptions please see
If you are interested in joining us for a particular presentation, you can check the Sexual Violence Forum page closer to the date for exact times. (
Or if you prefer to watch on your own computer, you can register here à register your spot!
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