REBUILDING THE CIRCLE – An Opening and Live Show on May 17- INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA AND BIPHOBIA at CO.LAB GALLERY doors open at 7pm. Visit this group exhibit between May 17-29th during regular gallery hours to see works by emerging youth, mentor, and allied artists as coordinated by Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre.

Select works include Two-Spirit Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby, Rachel Mishenene, Sam Busch, Erin Stewart etc. and artists connected to various groups supporting 2SLGBTQ+ youth such as Youth Council, Gay Straight Alliances, other 10%, New Mentality Youth Group and MORE.

HISTORY about the day: Established in 2004, the day affirms the right of all members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities to live freely as themselves in all areas of life. Its date commemorates May 17, 1990, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declassified homosexuality as a mental health disorder.

Questions? Want a guided tour?

CONTACT Jayal Chung, Sexuality and Gender Equity Liaison Worker by email [email protected] or phone: 807-345-5840 ext. 9057.


CO.LAB Gallery 251 Red River Road | Open Wed-Fri 12-6pm. | Sat & Sun 10-4pm

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