Take Back The Night 2022, the annual international grassroots movement that raises awareness about violence against women:
Tuesday, October 25th from 5:30-8:00 PM
At Lakehead University – Agora
This year the components of this evening will include:
· Tabling for community organizations and services providers (from 5:30-6pm)
· Drumming
· Speakers
· Rally and March
· Allyship discussion
· A brief trauma-informed yoga practice
You can book a table for the event by emailing Sherrie-Lee at [email protected]. In your e-mail, please let her know if you require a full table, or if you are okay with a half table. Please confirm your attendance by October 17th at 12:00pm.
The event is open to everyone in the community, including families and children. The space is wheelchair accessible. Beverages and snacks will be available after the march as well. Additionally, you are welcome to bring your banner or make a sign for the march.

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