from Women’s Shelters Canada:

What is Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence?

TFGBV refers to the misuse of technology to perpetuate violence, abuse, or harassment against women, children, and gender-diverse people. It can include acts such as threats, inciting gender-based violence online, harassment via digital communication, impersonation, disclosing private information (or threatening to do so), doxing, sextortion, trolling, unauthorized access to information or devices, manipulated images, mobbing (or networked harassment), stalking, and the non-consensual filming and sharing of intimate images. 

Women’s Shelters Canada launched their Tech Safety Canada website to share new Canadian tech safety resources they created and developed.

These toolkits are among the resources offered:

  • The Technology Safety and Privacy Toolkitsafety tips, general information, and strategies to use technology safely and increase privacy, as well as tips on securing devices and using specific platforms and technology
  • Tech Safety Planning Toolkitprovides women, youth, gender-diverse people, and frontline workers with safety planning information to strategically use technology in ways that can enhance safety and take back some control if they are being harassed, threatened, stalked, or abused through a perpetrator’s misuse of technology
  • Legal Remedies for Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Toolkita guide to help women  and frontline anti-violence workers better understand the legal causes of action available in response to various forms of technology-facilitated gender-based violence
  • Preserving Digital Evidence Toolkithelps women, youth, gender-diverse people, and frontline workers preserve digital evidence in circumstances involving technology-facilitated gender-based violence

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